Tuesday 28 October 2008


Falling in love is like falling into a deep black hole; you can't see & you can't force yourself to stop. It might feel like you're flying for a while, but you don't know when you'll land or if someone will be there to catch you or how much it will hurt when you hit the bottom. You never know, you might just die from the pain of it.


My daddy used to tell me that the first time you fall in love, it changes your life forever, and no matter how hard you try, the feeling never goes away.
-The Notebook.


For twas not into my ear you whispered
But into my heart
Twas not my lips you kissed
But my soul
~Judy Garland


Friday 10 October 2008

for real

I seriously woke up with a HUGE smile on my face.
I havent had a 'good' dream in a while and then i go and dream of you :) im not sure why i did though, but never the less, it was fan dabby doozle tastic!!
It was really strange, but good, if you know what i mean LOL
We was in a store in town ( i was in there the other day looking at christmas decks) well your freind was there, and 2 other girls, one of them i went to school with, and we cleared the racks and moved everything and started dancing, kinda like doing the locomotion (kylie) and we was laughing all over the place, then everyone was like, holding hands and i didnt dare get close to you. Your freind was telling you to ' go for it pal ' LOL i know right? haha
Anyhows, we was dancing and you just grab my hand and pull me close, and we're just stood there, slow dancing in the middle of the store with no music, and everyone else had disappered. It was pretty amazing. then my old school freind was making me buy a presant for you for xmas, and i said no i dont want to cos its silly (wa?) and you over hear her and walk over to me, cup my face in your hands and tell me 'Its ok, i already have my presant" looking right in my eyes!
I cant explain the feeling i had when i woke up and remembered it. I tried to go back to sleep to finish it off LOL but ugh i didnt.

well.. that was my dream of you. It was perfect and i HAD to write it down so i'd remember it. forever.

When I look into your eyes
I can see how much I love you
And it makes me realize
When I look into your eyes
I see all my dreams come true
When I look into your eyes

I've looked for you all of my life
Now that I've found you
We will never say good-bye
Can't stop this feelin'
And there's nothing I can do
'Cause I see everything
When I look at you

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Sunday 5 October 2008

What are you doing the rest of your life?
North and South and East and West of your life?
I have only one request of your life
That you spend it all with me.
All the seasons and the times of your days.
All the nickels and the dimes of your days.
Let the reasons and the rhymes of your days.
All begin and end with me.
I want to see your face,
In every kind of light,
In fields of gold and
Forests of the night;
And when you stand before
The candles on a cake.
Oh let me be the one to hear
The silent wish you make.
Those tomorrows waiting deep in your eyes
In the world of love you keep in your eyes,
I'll awaken what's asleep in your eyes,
It may take a kiss or two..
Through all of my life..
Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall of my life,
All I ever will recall of my life
Is all of my life with you.

There's no chill and yet I shiver
There's no flame and yet I burn
I'm not sure what I'm afraid of
And yet I'm trembling
There's no storm yet I hear thunder.
And I'm breathless, why I wonder?
Weak one moment,
Then the next I'm fine.
I feel as if 1'm falling every time
I close my eyes
And flowing through my body
Is a river of surprise.
Feelings are awakening
I hardly' recognize as mine!
What are all these new sensations?
What's the secret they reveal?
I'm not sure I understand
But I like the way I feel.
Oh, why is it that every time
I close my eyes he's there?
The water shining on his skin,
The sunlight in his hair?
And all the while I'm thinking things
That I can never share with him.
I'm a bundle of confusion
Yet it has a strange appeal.
Did it all begin with him,
And the way he makes me feel
I like the way he makes me feel...

Tell my heart to stop beating.
Tell my mind to stop thinking.
Throw a stone in the ocean & tell it to stop sinking.
Tell the sky not to be so blue.
Well, it's like telling me not to be in love with you

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